Shareholdings Structure
as at 2 October 2023

Class of shares Ordinary shares
Number of issued shares 201,571,842 (inclusive of 576,719 treasury shares)
Voting Rights 1 vote per ordinary share held on a poll
1 vote per shareholder/proxy/corporate representative present on a show of hands
Number of shareholders 4,019
Remark The Analysis of Shareholdings is based on the issued shares of the Company after deducting 576,719 treasury shares
Distribution Of Shareholdings

The above information is based on the Record of Depositors as at 02 October 2023 provided by Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn. Bhd. and the number of holders reflected is in reference to CDS account numbers

Register Of Substantial Shareholders
  1. Deemed interest by virtue of his interests in Bonia Holdings Sdn. Bhd., Freeway Team Sdn. Bhd., Kontrak Kosmomaz Sdn. Bhd., and Able Wealth Assets Ltd pursuant to Section 8 of the Companies Act 2016
Directors' Shareholdings In Bonia Corporation Berhad
  1. Deemed interest by virtue of his interests in Bonia Holdings Sdn. Bhd., Freeway Team Sdn. Bhd., Kontrak Kosmomaz Sdn. Bhd., and Able Wealth Assets Ltd pursuant to Section 8 of the Companies Act 2016; AND indirect interest by virtue of his spouse and children’s direct interests pursuant to Section 59(11)(c) of the Companies Act 2016
  2. Indirect interest by virtue of his spouse’s interest pursuant to Section 59(11)(c) of the Companies Act 2016
Directors' Shareholdings In Jeco (Pte) Limited
(70%-owned subsidiary Of Bonia Corporation Berhad)
  1. Indirect interest by virtue of his spouse and a child’s interests in BBS (S) International Pte. Ltd., a corporate shareholder holding 10% of the total number of issued shares of Jeco (Pte) Limited
  2. Deemed interest by virtue of his interest in BBS (S) International Pte. Ltd., a corporate shareholder holding 10% of the total number of issued shares of Jeco (Pte) Limited
Directors' Shareholdings In VR Directions Sdn. Bhd
(75%-owned subsidiary Of Bonia Corporation Berhad)
  1. Indirect interest by virtue of his child’s direct interest in VR Directions Sdn. Bhd. pursuant to Section 59(11)(c) of the Companies Act 2016
Directors' Shareholdings In SBG Holdings Sdn. Bhd
(70%-owned subsidiary Of Bonia Corporation Berhad)
  1. Indirect interest by virtue of his child’s interest in SBG Holdings Sdn. Bhd., pursuant to Section 59(11)(c) of the Companies Act 2016
  2. Deemed interest by virtue of his interest in Remarkable Success Sdn. Bhd., a corporate shareholder holding 30% of the total number of issued shares of SBG Holdings Sdn. Bhd., pursuant to Section 8 of the Companies Act 2016
List Of 30 Largest Shareholders

The above information is based on the Record of Depositors as at 02 October 2023 provided by Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn. Bhd. and without aggregating securities from different securities accounts belonging to the same person