Bonia Corporation Berhad ("Bonia") Adjustments to the Exercise Price and Number of Warrants 2005/2008 ("Warrants") Issued in Accordance With the Provisions of the deed poll dated 8 March 2005 ("Deed Poll") and Supplemental deed Poll Dated 4 April 2007 ("Supplemental Deed Poll"), Pursuant to the bonus issue of 31,212,067 new ordinary shares Or RM1.00 each in Bonia ("Bonus Shares") To Be Credited As Fully Paid-up On the Basis of one (1) Bonus Share for every two (2) Existing ordinary shares of RM1.00 each Held in Bonia ("Bonia Shares") ("Bonus Issue") And share Split Into Two (2) New Ordinary Shares Of RM0.50 Each In Bonia ("Subdivided Shares") For Every One (1) Bonia Share After The Bonus Issue ("Share Split")